Morning all.
Many thanks if you have become my friend on facebook or follow my blog - your support is appreciated. The bottom line, for those who haven't worked it out (oh, and there are so me of those!), I have written a book. Not entirely sure of the quality of it, but it was a right laugh writing it. It is an adult fiction novel, I repeat adult fiction!!!! It is really not suitable for kids at all.
On here and on facebook I will update you chappies on when it is out and so on, but I believe it is at the printers as we speak, so not long to go now!
The cover is on my facebook page and if and when you get a copy of it, there is an extract from my second novel in there. This is assuming Skyla allows me the time to ever finish it!
Today we are off to a wedding in Swindon. Cannot wait really, will be nice to see some old chums and let the ol
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